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This is Why Arab Ladies Are Not Ladylike Anymore

April 21, 2013 | Nadine El Sayed 11
This is Why Arab Ladies Are Not Ladylike Anymore

We had asked our witty writer Ali El Zoghby for articles that reflect males’ perspectives about relationships and women — something we rarely get to hear about given how our men prefer taking the vow of silence over speaking about feelings and thoughts.

His first entry shed light on something we never really paid much attention to; women degrading themselves by imitating some of men’s more primate actions.

His entry stirred up a whole lot of debate and our readers contributed with some very insightful comments —comments that actually inspired me to write this entry.

This, Zoghby, is why women are not as feminine and glamorous as they used to be in the good old days.

  1. It is very hard to act and talk like a proper lady when you’re constantly being harassed in the streets for walking like one, something our reader Noha Nabil pointed out.
  2. It is even harder to dress and talk like a lady when your colleagues do not see you as a fellow human being but rather as a sex object.  You are just pushed into acting like one of them so they can look at you as one of them.
  3. When you have to work from 9am to 5pm and then come home do the cooking, wash the dishes, run after the kids and then put them to bed, it is a tad bit too much to expect us to not break down, shout from the top of our lungs and even throw some manly curses in the mix.
  4. When men expect you to drive yourself to dates, and maybe even pick them up too, go to the mechanic on your own, because you’re a modern-day woman and are expected to do so, and provide for yourself, then all ladylike cells in you begin to die one after the other and you give in to the strength you need to carry that load.
  5. Women need men to make them feel alright and safe to show their weaker and more vulnerable side. When men start telling women that they’re sick of her tears and accuse her of using her tears to emotionally-blackmail them, she might just find it a little hard to show that side ever again.
  6. Speaking of vulnerability, it is also hard for women to be feminine, soft and lady-like when men abuse that. If our men start seeing women’s softer side as weakness and start seeing in that an opportunity to fulfill dreams of control and possession, women are forced into a role they shouldn’t really assume. Mind you, most women do not really like taking on the men’s role but are forced to do so because being the soft-spoken, delicate lady hasn’t really achieved much for her.
  7. As another reader, Shaza Mahmoud, pointed out, when men started acting like women and stopped, well, manning up, women were forced to act more manly. When men start whining when life throws in little pickles at them and quickly throw in the towel, women automatically get into the provider and protector mode. We are wired that way, if nobody is there to pick the slack, we will, so in a way, we tend to take over and, well, assume the male role of the relationship. This ultimately means we will act and talk like one too.

To sum it up, we do not act, speak, or look like ladies once have, simply because we have taken the wrong end of the feminism stick. We have conquered the workplace alright, but haven’t changed our dear Middle Eastern men’s perception of women. We have a say in politics and society, but couldn’t convince fellow revolutionaries to look at us as sisters in combat and not sex objects they feel the need to harass.

We have demanded equality in relationships and life, yet we ended up leading the life of a 21st century’s modern lady and that of the medieval one too.

Yes, we are working and we are integrated in society, but we come back home to assume all the roles ladies have half a century ago. The only difference is, while they had 24 hours of the day to assume all ladylike roles, we only get whatever is left of our day, after deducting working hours and traffic, to do that.

So forgive us if after society throws at us the weight of sharing living expenses, raising the kids, pampering our husbands, cleaning and doing the dishes, as well as be revolutionaries every now and then — all the while being subjected to chauvinistic and patriarchal values — we do not really feel like maintaining ladylike attitudes.


  1. Mirette Nabil

    My dad used to tell me that “Women’s weakness is her power” and I could not really understand it till I grew up and knew that he means softness..
    Real men – not only by ID’s gender- appreciates a woman and gives her power when they feel she is soft..
    it is a problem in our community nowadays that a girl shows her soft side because of teh harassment that is happening everywhere, street, workspace, shopping, restaurants …etc it bevame hard to a woman to defend herself by being soft if the people around does not really acquie “manhood”
    for me, I chose to show my soft side only when I feel safe from people around and from environment.. which deprives me from enjoying being a woman as I was meant to be..

    and of course working exactly like a man + doing all the house work as a house wife is really challenging and takes away ur time and energy to endulge urself and get connected with ur inner soft woman..

    C’est la vie 🙂

  2. Thanks a lot for your comment Mirette and I totally agree with you, it’s challenging being us, isn’t it? :))
    We also love the post you linked so we’re publishing the comment and would love to feature it for our readers to see as well, it’s inspiring to embrace our beauty instead of hide it and be scared from it.

  3. Sundos

    Atta’ girl!
    I agree to every word you wrote there. Our lifestyle has changed drastically, compared to only 50 years ago, when women can easily walk in a short dress to the grocery store with no starving eyes oggling every inch of her body.
    It was all very different. Ask our own mothers, they admit that it was. Even their pictures proved that!
    I’m sure we’ve seen pictures of bikini’s, mini skirts, evening dresses, hair updo’s that you’d think they’re out to a wedding rather than just a day outing…oh, and even beer bottles (but that’s in my dad’s case).
    All these little things prove that it was a different lifestyle back then, therefore their norms and values were different as well. How come?
    We’re moving forward in time, i mean the world has seen so much ever since those 50’s, so how come it’s all going ‘backwards’…
    I’m not sure how to explain that, but i guess you get the idea.
    I mean, literally back then it was more easy going, decent, people respected each others differences, and judgment was minimal. For gods’ sake there were belly dancers like Taheya Karyoka, Samya Gamal and many more that till this very day, everyone respects and look up to.
    These days, if an actress simply dances or smokes in a scene, it could result into a gossip column discussing her addiction to drugs in a cheap magazine. Or something like that.

    Yes, i agree totally with Ali’s article on how we should embrace the natural beauty in us which makes us feminine, weak, yet strong and all that, but seriously.
    Wearing loose jeans, a tshirt with a scarf , walking to the grocery store cursing the weather, and all i get is ” Aiwa ya Shakira”, or “Gamed wi 2ader”. (That’s just the comments i can mention in public)
    This happens daily, to every girl i know. Even if she’s driving in her car, a micro-bus will eventually find its’ way next to her, and the endless staring, and random comments thrown from the passengers is just beyond me.

    This is to Ali:
    Women are always trying to protect themselves. It is natural that we end up changing our skin compared to the polished version of females your eyes has seen on TV, read about in books, or even imagined in your head. Because what surrounds us now is nothing but pervertedness, judgmental minds, and simply an unsafe environment.

    -Mental outburst

  4. I totally agree with you ladies. Our daily routine hardly gives us time to embrace our femininity or enjoy at least a few minutes of essential skin care that has now become another chore that we need to make time for in the midst of all the work mayhem and crazy errands. Wouldn’t we all love to still look polished and act like the women we would like to be treated as? But how can we always manage to pull it off when we’re still expected to keep up with what modern life is turning us into. It is a challenge. I salute every woman I know who is still able to maintain this beautiful balance; I myself keep trying and sometimes fail miserably, yet I never believed it made me a less of a woman. I believe us women should give ourselves more credit and never forget what we’re always capable of despite so many challenges we face.

  5. Sundos: Yes, exactly how we feel, honestly. And your comments gave us a good laugh, my God, the things we hear in the streets of Cairo, it’s horrifying, honestly.

  6. Raghda

    HI, thats a great one, do you mind if i share it on my blog.

    please let me know.

    Have a nice day

  7. Dear Raghda, we’re glad you found this interesting and of course we would love for you to share it on your blog as long as you credit us for it.
    Have a lovely day.

  8. Matt

    some of you stopped acting like ladies only because you chose to. it’s easy to point fingers at individuals, society, the modern age, but at the end of the day who you are is entirely up to you.

  9. I totally agree with you, Matt. Some of us have, in fact, started acting more like men and less like ladies because they chose to. But how can we not choose to when you grown up with society calling a responsible and strong woman a “Gada3a” (guy) and it’s supposed to be a compliment. How can we not choose to when it is considered an insult to call a man girly or acting like a girl while it’s perfectly acceptable to say a woman is acting like a man, society, and not just the Egyptian one, has conditioned us to see men as responsible and strong and independent so it’s not strange when a woman starts acting like a man to prove herself.Am not saying this is a good thing, am not saying this is what we should be doing, but am just saying, it’s not surprising.
    Thanks for your comment and stirring up more debate about this 🙂

  10. By acting like men you will NEVER find society accepting you naturally. If you want society to accept you then go back home, be obedient to your parents and your husband, and talk quietly. If you do not want to act like a lady, then expect to be treated like a man, or otherwise expect rejection.

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