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19twentythree | February 22, 2025

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25 Instagrammers We All Follow

January 25, 2014
25 Instagrammers We All Follow
  1. The professional pouter
  2. The I can throw a duck face that makes my lips 10 times bigger
  3. The oh-so-talented photographer who sees beauty in everything
  4. The I am a kick-ass cook and eat gourmet everyday
  5. The high-street fashionista
  6. The designer fashionista
  7. The I-am-too-cool-to-care-about-fashion-but-will-post-daily-outfit-pics-anyway fashionista
  8. The I-have-an-awesome-life
  9. The gushy mother who firmly believes her kids are the center of everyone’s universe
  10. The party animal constantly proving how much more fun they are than the rest of us all
  11. The six-packer show off
  12. The gym rat
  13. The I-only-eat-clean-and-work-out-like-crazy
  14. The yogi
  15. The wise-words whiz
  16. The I-meditate-as-someone-else-takes-my-pictures-because-I am-awesome-like-that yogi
  17. The selfie maniac
  18. The too cool for selfies but will gladly make someone else snap their picture while they pretend not to look
  19. The crazy liker
  20. #The #obsessive #hashtag-er
  21. The I just bought a Nike Fuel and can’t get over how much calories I can burn
  22. The I am too cool to post but will secretly stalk everyone
  23. The Cross Fitter engine
  24. The I know celebrities and hot people
  25. The cultured book worm who apparently reads a new book every single day



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