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Azza Fahmy Jewellery, a hub for empowerment

May 14, 2013 | Hadeel El Deeb
Azza Fahmy Jewellery, a hub for empowerment

For more than four decades now, Azza Fahmy and her devoted and passionate team have been showing the world what it means to be truly creative without ever losing one’s roots. More than 40 years of creations have never taken the toll on of their creativity and they have always succeeded in reflecting Egypt’s rich and usually forgotten culture through impeccable craftsmanship and constant innovation in communicating their messages.

In April 2013, Azza Fahmy Jewellery announced their “Journeys of Creation” campaign where the heroes and role models will be the people themselves. The idea stems from the very neglected fact that each and every single one of us has at least one story to tell the rest of the world; a story that will be met with shared emotions, tears, smiles and so much pride. Whatever that story may be, it is one that would definitely empower at least one person out there, where as the team puts it “journeys of individuals bond to make a difference.”

“By exploring destination and direction we learn, grow and shape ourselves. Every journey is unique and yet they are all exactly the same; they’re there to be celebrated. No matter how innocently the journey may start, a pathway of ingenuity and hard work is always fruitful and valuable to share,” the team has eloquently put it.

It’s in our human nature to always take things for granted and it is up to each one of us to allow for something to shake that sense off and start looking into ourselves in celebration of everything we have been through to reach where we are today. No matter how insignificant we might think our journeys are, each one of them acts as a crucial milestone of its own.

With everything that’s happening around the world now and with the rise of people’s voices and extraordinary persistence to reach out for better and more valuable lives, this is the perfect time to share your story realizing it will definitely make a difference.

For the next six months, Azza Fahmy Jewellery is giving you the push and means to share your story, of your own creation, with the world for the sake of what they have described as “celebrating ‘Journeys of Creation’ from all walks of life — the vast worlds of international culture, arts, history, travel and design to, well, yours — because every journey is worth recognition no matter how humble.”

It is not only about success, it is certainly about the journey that led to your success and that, is what you should never forget.

“Whatever you have discovered, created or plan to create, wherever you plan to travel over the next six months, record it, write it down, sketch it out, but do share it with us and the reward may be even more than that glow of satisfaction,” Azza Fahmy team says.

The idea is to inspire you to share, so go ahead and be part of this initiative and empower others to do the same. We’re definitely sharing ours, so stay tuned.

Be part of Azza Fahmy Jewelry’s “Journeys of Creation” now; “make a difference, invent, create change, enjoy.” #Journeys #USXYOU.


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