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healthy vegetarian protein

December 14, 2013 | Sherine El Shimi
12 Healthiest Vegetarian Protein Sources

For all the Vegans out there:

I’m sure you’re more than tired of hearing that you’ll develop a bunch of medical conditions because you’re not eating the right kind of protein.

Here are a few sources that will give you some good come backs to claims of your lack of protein — and of course give you a health kick too.

-Red kidney beans in combination with chickpeas (Humos) contain all the essential amino acids that are needed.

Fava Beans (Foul) are packed with nutrients.

Fava Beans (Foul) are packed with nutrients.

-Foul or black beans are really necessary for the diet of any vegan. Not only is it rich in protein but it also provides a percentage of the daily-recommended intake of vitaminC, which helps in the absorption of amino acids.

-Lentils are well respected members of the legume family. They contain a high percentage of protein but are also rich in magnesium and folate and have a very high iron percentage which makes them useful for anemic patients.

-Asparagus contains up to three grams of protein per 100 grams, other vegetables that are high on the list are artichokes, cauliflower and broccoli.

-Quinoa provides eight grams of protein per 185 grams; it also provides 15% iron and 3% calcium per the same serving. It has zero cholesterol and is a lot lower in calories than rice and pasta so it’s also my personal favorite as a weight loss tool. It has a low glycemic index so it could be used by diabetics. It can be ordered online through Nature Gifts Stores (NGS), Health Harvest or Ahmed Galal.

– Arugula and Spinach: So which one is healthier spinach or arugula? We’d all like to say arugula in a heartbeat, if not anything it’s prettier and tastes better, at least to me. To give them both a fair shot, spinach wins when it comes to vitamin A, C and K. Argula has higher calcium content. Both vegetables are at a tie when it comes to the protein grams, so guess what? the choice is yours.

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