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boost fertility

December 14, 2013
Foods to Boost Your Fertility

Just to set one thing straight; seafood isn’t the only thing that boosts chances of conceiving. Loading your man up on shrimps and fish is good, but there are tons of foods for you to increase your fertility and chances of conceiving.

Generally, eating healthy and ditching junk will improve your overall health and thus your fertility, but here are some foods that are especially useful for women during conception.

Nuts: Nuts are a great source of vitamin E,  which protects from miscarriages as well as improves libido. Load up on Brazil nuts as they’re packed with selenium.

Almonds: Great source of Vitamin E.

Lean Meat: Great source of iron, which improves fertility and boosts red blood cells. It also helps  during pregnancy through protecting against anemia which causes complications. Beware of eating too much meat, however, as it can increase amounts of ammonia which interferes with implantation.

Bananas: Packed with vitamins and especially Vitamin B6 which regulates menstruation and improves egg quality.

Asparagus: Reduces ovulatory failure.

Vitamin B12: Load up on beef liver, shellfish, mackerel fish, crabs and all-bran cereal.

Folic Acid: Folic acid is vital for fertility, so consuming foods high in folic acid can dramatically improve the chances of conception. Eat a lot of all-bran cereal spinach, Roman lettuce, asparagus, broccoli, papaya, grapefruits, lentils, green peas, kidney beans, black beans, okra, cauliflower, corn, celery and carrots.

Wheat Germ: Loaded with zinc.

Spinach: Also high in zinc.

Chicken and turkey: High in selenium.

Veggies and fruits: Eat a good mix of veggies and fruits and opt for three cups of fruits and three cups of veggies each day.

Potatoes: High in Vitamins B and E which improve ova production.

Whole grains: Packed with antioxidants, Vitamins B and iron.

Fish: No news there, low-mercury fish like salmon, shrimps or canned tuna are packed with Omega 3 which helps with fetal development.

Eggs: These are great for fertility as they’re packed with Vitamins B12 and D and folate, minimizing birth defects and boosting fertility through providing antioxidants and cartenoids.

Raspberries, Citrus, Strawberries and Kiwi: High in antioxidants and vitamin C and helps reduce risks of miscarraige.

Dairy: Full-fat dairy reduces infertility risk by 25%, according to a Harvard University study. .

Peas: Packed with zinc, which improves the balance of estrogen and progesterone.

Water: Your vital organs will get the dibs on water intake, so if you’re not drinking enough water your reproductive system will not get the water it needs and your cervical fluid will be sluggish.

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