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Pump it: Drop those pink dumbbell sets please

March 21, 2013 1
Pump it: Drop those pink dumbbell sets, please

After a weekend of soaking up the sun, partying and pigging out with the girls in Gouna, warning bells start ringing, and you know it is time to hit the gym and shed off those extra couple of kilograms you put on and remedy the aftermaths of that awesome weekend.

Stepping into your gym on Sunday evening after a grueling day at work, you step on to the first treadmill you find empty and keep running while your eyes are adamantly focused on the number of calories lost. After a breathless 45 minutes on the treadmill, you are ready for a break.

You steal a glance at the stacks of dumbbells and think to yourself, “I don’t need to lift weights, lifting weights will rid me of my feminine physique.” Sounds familiar?

Many of us deliberately steer away from the weight lifting area for fear of bulking up: To those of you who do, you might want to reconsider.

Truth is, the second you step off that treadmill, the fat burning stops with it. If you want a leaner, more toned, not to mention slimmer, body, you might want to get cracking on those dumbbells — and not the cutesy pink one-kilogram ones either.

Studies have shown that women do not have the testosterone levels needed to bulk up as men do; so do not worry about being too muscly. Unless you spend endless hours lifting the heaviest weights in the gym, you’re unlikely to get those ball-sized biceps.

You would, however, get a leaner and more toned body; Here is why you should incorporate heavy weightlifting in your cardio routine; even if loosing weight is what you’re after.

1. Burn fat

Drum roll please: Muscle burns fat. We’re not trying to stir your towards a certain physique, but the more muscles you build, the higher your metabolism becomes. Sure, the screen on the treadmill will show the 500 calories you’ve lost, but you won’t burn any more once you stop, meanwhile, if you had a little more muscles, the fat burning effect will last longer.

Build more muscle and you’ll keep burning fat long after you finish your workout.

2. Get definition

You can be skinny as a model and still be shy to throw your hands in the air to the sounds of your favorite jam because you have those shamefully wobbly arms. Defined arms are not made on the treadmill; lifting heavier weights are the key to getting lean and defined muscles.

3. Get flatter abs

It is no secret that abdominal muscles (abs) are made in the kitchen, yet lifting heavier weights can definitely rev up the process because it helps lose the stubborn deep belly fat.

While some lucky ones are born with great genes that result in great looking abs, most of us are not as lucky. A sexy chiseled abdominal area takes arduous work and dedication to create, but fear not, it is not impossible. Stacking up on the weights and sticking to a clean and healthy diet will get you prepped up in time for the next bikini season.

Still in doubt? Well, there is more.

4. Build endurance

Drop your cute hot pink set of two kilograms dumbbells, and opt for a set of five or even eight kilograms. Lifting lighter weights for more repetitions (reps) is ideal for building muscle endurance, but if you want to increase your strength, do not steer away from pumping more iron.

5. Fight Osteoporosis

Over time, lifting weights will not only maintain bone mass, but will also build new bone, decreasing the effects of osteoporosis 50 to 80 percent.

6. Prevent Injury

The stronger muscles, especially core muscles, you have, the more support your bones and joints have, ensuring a better form in general and preventing injury during exercise and in your every day life.



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