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Six Drinks to Have First Thing in the Morning

May 8, 2013 | Nadine El Sayed
Six Drinks to Have First Thing in the Morning

No more coffee the second you open your eyes. Don’t panic, we’re not telling you, god forbid, to ditch your morning coffee altogether; just do not have it the second you wake up.

The first thing you put into your system when you wake up is much more important than you think, it can cleanse your system, give you a metabolism boost or give you the full nutritional benefits that are impossible to absorb at any other time of the day.

We can think of a long list of foods and drinks that will mean a lot more to your system in the morning than coffee, and it doesn’t have to cancel your coffee, it will just delay it a little bit.

Cinnamon tea:Drinking a cup of cinnamon tea every morning gets your metabolism going so your body burns calories and fat faster with time. Add a teaspoon of honey for more fat-burning effects.(Editor’s note: Check our “Ten Tips to Boost your Metabolism” for more information on optimum fat and calorie burning)

Ginger: Ginger is known for its immunity boosting characteristics, but it is also a great way to cleanse your system if you drink it every morning. You can combine ginger with cinnamon, Isis has ginger and cinnamon tea but you can also boil whole or ground ginger and cinnamon for stronger flavor and add a teaspoon of honey to sweeten.

Lemon water: We can go on about the benefits of lemon water, aside from the obvious immunity boost, it also flushes your system, aids digestion, balances your pH, burns fat, clears skin and keeps your breath smelling fresh. Add the juice of one lemon to a glass of warm water and a teaspoon of honey for a good cleanse and an immunity and energy boost.

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