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Twenty Foods to Boost your Immunity

June 20, 2013 | Nadine El Sayed
Twenty Foods to Boost your Immunity

Sure, you can load your body with all sorts of chemical-laden pills, vitamins, antibiotics, anti-flu and all sorts of antis. You can abuse antibiotics until your body stops reacting to them and they not only stop



being effective, but they also start taking their toll on all your organs.

Alternatively, you can try to boost your immunity system more naturally and replace your morning pills with a good old ginger tea, and your antibiotics with honey and garlic.

So here are 20 foods that help you boost your immunity — we all know how nasty those summer colds can get.

1. Vegetables from brassica family, like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage: Full of vitamin C and A and iron



2. Ginger: Known to have immunity boosting properties as it fights cold and is rich in vitamins,

especially C

3. Citrus, like oranges and lemons: Rich in vitamin C

4. Garlic and onions: Natural immunity boosters, antioxidants and fight colds

5. Nuts, like almonds: Rich in vitamin E and Omega-3 fatty acids

6. Beans: Natural sources of zinc, fiber and protein



7. Lean protein, like turkey, crabs and oysters

8. Salmon, Tuna and mackerel: Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids

9. Berries: Natural anti-oxidants and rich with vitamins

10. Grapefruit: Truly loaded with vitamin C and falvonoids, natural immunity boosters

11.Whole grains: Full of Zinc, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins B

12. Low-fat yoghurt: Probiotic yoghurts and those full with vitamin D help prevent disease

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