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5 tips for couples during curfew

August 19, 2013 2
5 tips for couples during curfew
This one is a special dedication to all the couples out there; we know how boring it could get sometimes with just the two of you in the house during those insanely limiting curfew hours. So take a break from the news and from arguing about the same thing over and over again and give some of these a go:
1. Have some fun with a few dares; come up with your own or use some of ours:
  • Give each other a haircut. What’s the worst that can happen? You don’t like it, you go to a hairdresser to fix it. Your hair will grow, it’s really not a big deal.
  • If your man has a beard, talk him into having you trim it. Again, you mess it up, he can get it fixed the next day.
  • Role play to bring out the stylist in your partner; imagine an occasion and have your partner style your outfit accordingly. Take pictures of how you ended up styling each other and share them with us, or if they’re too embarrassing, frame them and keep them in the house just for you.
2. Play the humming game and keep a score; the winner (out of five) gets a 15-minute massage. So how does it go? Hum a song and your partner will have to guess it; if they don’t get it by the third guess, they lose and you get a point.
3. Have some sex BUT not just your usual kind of sex; have fun with it and play some games. Here are a few ideas:
  • You each get exactly two minutes to dedicate to your partner and the challenge is: an actual orgasm.
  • Take turns blindfolding each other, touch your partner with something other than your fingers and have them guess that object or maybe body part. Be creative.
  • Each of you gets to write five sex dares on separate pieces of paper, then either mix all ten together and take turns in performing them on each other or pick one from your partner’s pile and do as they say.
4. Have a cooking challenge; time the clock for one minute and you both get to pick out whatever ingredients lying around your kitchen (including the fridge and freezer), when the time is up, start preparing your meals. Try not to help each other, just come up with your own recipe and have it all ready in one hour. The other challenge is to actually eat what you’ve both cooked.
5. Strip for each other; each of you gets to choose a song to strip on then it’s up to you to strip some more or stop at a song each. This could be the most fun you’ve had together, the most intimate, the sexiest, or the most hilarious; whatever it’s like, enjoy it.
Editor’s note: if you have more ideas, please do share them with your fellow bored couples.
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s tips; you never know what we will come up with during our own hours of curfew inspiration.


  1. Ramy Zakaria

    my friends throw a curfew party 🙂 started 7:00 pm till next morning.

  2. Sounds like fun! So curfew extension actually meant shorter partying time for you then!

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