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19twentythree | March 29, 2025

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What your Tattoo Tells Men About you

March 20, 2013
What your Tattoo Tells Men About you

Reasons for getting inked vary between an inner desire for a tattoo that might not even ever show to the world and all the way to simply following the latest hype to look funky and liberal. Either way, your tattoo does tell the world something about you.

With that in mind, we polled over 60 Egyptian men from the ages of 25 to 60 asking them what different areas women get inked in mean to them. We did get some respondents who answered “sexy” to each and every area, just as much as we did get others who answered “slutty” to each and every area. But overall, 32.3% of our respondents thought tattooed ladies are generally sexy while 22.6% found them rebellious and 21% found them open-minded. Be it because the survey was put up online by a female, or because our respondents come from a certain social background, but only 6.5% of them found inked ladies slutty — before you roll your eyes, that’s a much lower percentage than what we expected given the cultural taboos about tattoos.

Whether you care about what that shoulder tattoo might mean to your potential partner or not, the results we got are interesting, if only to tell us about our society’s perception of tattooed girls. So here they are; take them with a grain of salt as they are by no means representative to the whole society. This survey was informally distributed online to acquaintances who are mostly from upper and middle classes.

Editor’s note: Check out our article on social and religious beliefs and perceptions abut tattoos here.

The verdict is out: Lower back tattoos are the sexiest.

58% of our respondents thought lower back tattoos were sexy, while 18% of them thought they were slutty.


Lower abs tattoos are perceived as the sluttiest.

Almost 39% of our respondents perceived lower abs tattoos to be slutty, but before your face turns red with anger, a whooping 43.5% of them found them sexy.



If Goth queen is the message you want your tattoo to give out, go for the neck, forearm or wrist; the three areas our respondents viewed most as gothic. Around 27.4% of our respondents found neck tattoos gothic, while forearms scored 24.2% and wrists 19.7%.

The Ranks:

The Sexy List:

  1. Lower back
  2. Shoulder blades
  3. Lower abdomen


  1. Lower abdomen
  2. Lower back
  3. Neck


  1. Shoulder
  2. Wrist
  3. Ankle

Nobody thought lower back or neck tattoos are cute.

The Daring Rebels:

  1. Forearm
  2. Wrist
  3. Shoulder and neck

Editor’s Note: Whatever your chosen or future spot signals about you or your tattoo is fun to know, but we are, by no means, encouraging you to make your decision based on what men may perceive it. If anything, we urge you to make the decision of whether and where to get inked based solely on your beliefs and needs for it.

Meanwhile, if you decided to go for that tattoo you always longed for, check out our recommended list of parlors here and read about our own Hadeel El Deeb’s experience with her first tattoo, complete with footage from the day.

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