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Women, why are you degrading your own gender?

April 18, 2013 | Ali El Zoghby 3
Women, why are you degrading your own gender?

Women; man I wish I could understand what happened there.

I’m not sure what or when it went all wrong for them, or should I say for us.

And before I go on with this article I need to make a couple of things clear.

Yes, I am a man writing in a woman’s magazine, if you haven’t already noticed my byline. I’m not always going to sugar coat what I write, so here is the bare, naked truth as I, a representative of my mankind, see it.

Getting down to the point, you all have downgraded yourselves to the point that I can’t see why on earth most of you still complain about men lacking class, when it is now an apparent trend amongst you, young women, to systematically degrade and belittle yourselves, acting like men.

‘Generally,’ younger girls seem to act, speak, talk and use the same tone, words and gestures like their male counter parts do. They sit, eat, drink and act all round the same way. I’m guessing all what is left for them to completely cross over is to go to the bathroom like they do, if you catch my drift.

Quickly before I go on with this article, the word generally is put in quotations so that you could understand that not all women are like that, but fact of the matter is, generally means more often than not.

Back to the subject of discussion.

Now I grew up being taught how to respect a woman, how to talk to her and how to generally treat her.

I understood when women of the older generation, and some of mine too, complained about how men would act or talk in public, how they lacked class. Most of the time I would hear them describing men as apes or animals for certain behaviors they portrayed.

All these complaints I could understand, and I agreed with most of them, fact of the matter is that men are men, we act like animals sometimes, we do disgusting things, down right nasty, I tell you. That is not a justification by any means, but the truth is, that men’s, well, barbaric behavior, hasn’t changed much throughout time. Yes, we have deteriorated but with a stable and steady rate of decline, which is sort of normal.

What is a sudden and odd trend is that you, young women, should stop trying to be more like us. You should rather be like the women who once made the world speechless and out of breath; the same ones that you could stare at their class and glamour with admiration and awe. You should not be burping in public, you should not be talking and using men’s slang and you should not have the same attitude as men.

I don’t get why a girl would come up to me and tell me “eh el akhbar ya brinze?” (What’s up dude?)  What is she trying to do? Be one of the guys? So now I would think she’s cool and consider her one of the dudes? It is plain wrong.

Women hold the key to a better society; it is you who teach our young men and women how to act with class.

“Form is temporary, Class is permanent.”

Editor’s note: Zoghby’s article has stirred up quite the controversy, so in response, our editor Nadine El Sayed and two of our lovely readers wrote back defending their gender or expressing concern over the need to mold sex genders. Read their comebacks here:

This is Why Arab Ladies are Not Ladylike Anymore

Who Says Women Need to be Ladylike Anyway?

From Cleopatra to Peter Pen; the Loss of Female and Male Qualities


  1. Sundos

    Well said, Ali!
    So true…sadly.
    I have become a boy trapped in a woman’s body.

    Write more 🙂

  2. Shaza Mahmoud

    What the author is describing above is a social phenomenon that is prevalent globally. It is that true that due to “role-changes” and certain developments in Modern Society, woman have lost that which makes them essentially female, however, the exact same thing can be said about the men today! Whilst Women may have lost their
    femininity, men too have lost their masculinity. The complaints made by ladies listed above in the article are due to similar findings in male behavior. How many of us talk about how there
    are no longer any “real” men around, that they have become weak, lost and undecisive? The way out of this dilemma, I think, is to realise that
    eventhough women have become a more active and working part of society, both sexes can still stay true to their inherent qualities and characteristics. Men can still be the “protector/ provider ” and women can maintain their softness, elegance and charm. The want to be considered equal is valid, but can simply not entail a loss of basic qualities enhance our being male and female.

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