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Yoga your Way to Better Sex

March 23, 2013 | May El Khishen
Yoga your Way to Better Sex

Sure, yoga has been known to increase core strength, enhance balance and, of course, render your more flexible; but it’s been proven that certain yoga positions can actually enhance your sex life — and not just because you’d be getting more flexible and fit.

Yoga in general opens up the body and makes us more connected with it, but certain poses can actually open up your second chakra, the sexual chakra situated two inches from the belly button.  Practiced alone or with your partner — and what’s better than all those bendy position to get you in the mood for love — yoga can help clear your mind and get you in touch with your body.

Careers, partners, traffic jams, inflation, and the Muslim Brotherhood have given women ample reasons to be in constant frantic frenzy mode. Consequently, our minds navigate through a million stressful thoughts, which we drag with us in bed. Stress, shape-consciousness and the burdens of everyday life can make you distracted during sex, which doesn’t make for good lovemaking. Yoga can not only give you a tighter body, making you more confident in bed, but it can also ease a stressed mind and help you getting grip over your thoughts to be able to throw all your worries on your bedroom door. It simply helps you get in the mood and stay there.

A set of yoga poses can actually enhance your orgasms, increase your blood flow and up your sexual drive, so try performing the below poses at least there times a week, spending around one minute in each position.

Eagle Pose (Garudasana)



Wrapping one leg around the other, with knees a bit bendy, releasing this pose causes blood to rush through the cervix, much similar to the blood flowing through this area during arousal, making for a better sex and orgasms. Check the video tutorial here.

Wide-legged Straddle Pose (Upvaistha Konasana)

This pose helps increase blood circulation and flow in your pelvic area, hence enhancing arousal. Watch the tutorial here.

Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)


Downward dog is good for relaxing and clearing the mind while energizing your body — plus, you’ve got your butt up in the air which is as sexy as it can get. Watch the video tutorial here.

Goddess Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

Once a month, we become cranky, irrational, highly emotional and just plain bitchy/mean; blaming it  on our volatile hormones, cursing the day we were born women and getting high from the painkillers we keep thrusting down our throats. Fear not ladies, there seems to be a dimming light at the end of that seemingly endless tunnel, ditch the pills and get into the Goddess Pose to deal with those cramps and mood swings that make our sex drives flee out the window.

 Shoulder Stand (Salamba Sarvangasana)



Shoulder stand soothes the nervous system, releases anxiety and stress and helps with the digestion. Better sex first in a clearer mind, so any pose that will help clear your mind helps you in the bedroom. Watch the video tutorial here.



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