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19twentythree | March 12, 2025

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To Do: Breaking fast in the Nile

July 9, 2013
To Do: Breaking fast in the Nile

out can be a truly disappointing experience, not only is the food normally of far lower quality than normal, but some restaurants require you to order ahead  — excuse me, but  the little time slot the waiter takes my order and goes around taking others’ is enough for me to change my mind about the order so I can’t really commit to ordering a few hours before the meal. It’s also really not fun to go around asking all your friends what they’re having for iftar especially when they’re so hungry they feel the dish decision is a vital one that needs thorough deliberation.

So break away from the clutter and enjoy your own, private iftar in the Nile — no, not on the Nile, we actually meant to say in. Grab a felucca guy, tell him you’re inviting him over for iftar and have an iftar party right in the middle of the Nile. Order a few pizzas, a couple of of friends and have a peaceful meal with a lovely view and a serene atmosphere. A perfect place to park your felucca — or speedboat if you’re one of the lucky ones who own one — is a couple of kilometers after the Nile Towers.

Please do pay the felucca guy a little extra, after all, we’re sure he would rather have the meal with his family at home than a group of strangers.

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