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Make your Home Smell Fresh All Year Round

March 6, 2014
Make your Home Smell Fresh All Year Round

So you know when you walk into a spa and you instantly relax? Of course, a huge bit of it is knowing you’re about to get some much-needed pampering, but also a significant part of it is that the spa is designed to aromatically relax your senses.

You walk in the place smells like lavender, the sheets smell heavenly and even the towels make you feel like you want to be all wrapped up in the crisp cleanliness. We do hope they’re clean, but it’s not the cleanliness getting you; it’s the essential oils used all over to bring you that feeling of peaceful bliss washing over.

You can walk into a home that smells just as nice as your spa, sleep in sheets that ooze a good-night, lavender-smelling goodness and dry up in those crispy fresh towels in rather easy steps—and it’s all natural too.

First off:  Ditch the air fresheners, if you haven’t read it already, here’s how toxic your air fresheners really are.

Second, here are a few tricks how to make your sheets, towels, carpets and home smell heavenly: All you need is vinegar, baking soda, essential oil of your choice, water and some alcohol.

To help you choose which essential oil is best suited for you, read this article on essential oils’ uses and effects.

The Carpets:

Nice-smelling carpets can make your whole home smell of essential oils wonders, without even having to use an fresheners. Simply mix 10 drops of your essential oil of choice with a few tablespoons of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and sprinkle generously on the carpet. Leave for a few hours and vacuum: Your carpets will be left smelling great for the whole week. You can also add vinegar to the mix to disinfect the carpet but test it on a small spot first to make sure it isn’t too harsh on your carpet.

Towels, Sheets and all your Laundry:

There are several ways to make your towels and sheets smell great.

1. Ditch the chemical-ladden fabric softener and use vinegar or baking soda mixed with essential oils instead. Mix 1/4 cup vinegar with a few drops of your favorite essential oil (use a colorless oil) and fill in the softener container in your washing machine. Simple, natural and keeps your clothes fresh and soft.

2. Fill a glass jar with (about the size of a jam jar) with a mix of baking soda and a six to 10 drops of essential oil of your preference and use 1/2 cup with your washing load and replace the fabric softener with 1/2 cup of the mix.

3. Spring about 10 drops of essential oil with water and apply on a clean washcloth until lightly damp. Throw the cloth in the dryer with your laundry, when they’re dry, the smell would have rubbed off the laundry without overpowering it.

Sofas, Chairs and Cushions:

Make your own essential oil spray and use on sofas and chairs to freshen them  up and give them a little aromatic kick.  Simply use any empty spray bottle to fill it with 1 cm of alcohol, 150 ml of water and 15 drops of essential oil (opt for a colorless one to avoid stains). Shake well and use as an upholstery freshener. You can even spray it on your bed, clothes, furniture, pillows and towels.

The House:

Instead, use essential oils to infuse your home with your favorite smell without getting toxics all up in your space. Opt for a candle diffuser, not an electric one, or use reed diffusers. Make sure you dilute the oil with water before applying it on the burner for a longer-lasting smell. (Read more about how to use essential oils for your home here).

Bonus Tip:

If you need to relax after a long day at work, add a few drops of lavender oil to a face towel and soak it in hot water then apply warm towel to your face for a few minutes.

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