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19twentythree | February 22, 2025

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Detox, lose weight and refresh

September 17, 2013
Detox, lose weight and refresh

Lemon, cucumber and mint infused water is a great twist on plain, old water to help us reach our recommended daily  water intake (approximately two liters). But the best bit is; it has many wonders:

1. This is a detox drink that helps flush your system and clean the colon

2. When drunk in the morning it jumpstarts your metabolism

3. It is great for digestion

4. Gives you an immunity boost

5. The cucumber keeps you well hydrated

6. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, again, thanks to the cucumber

7. It helps the liver and kidney flush out excessive ammonia

8. Mint eases stomach cramps

9. Stimulates bile production which helps break down fats consumed

Drink one to two glasses of this every morning 30 minutes before breakfast.


2 liters water

1 cucumber (you can replace it with watermelon)

2 lemons

12 leaves of mint

Slice the cucumbers and lemons into thin slices, leave the mint leaves whole and combine all ingredients. Leave in the fridge overnight for the flavors and nutrients to infuse and drink in the morning.

Our tip: Try throwing in some kiwi slices or try slicing up strawberries and kiwis and adding them to water for a detox and anti-aging boost to help your skin. You can also simply add some berries to water for similar detox and anti-oxidant effects and a yum treat.

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