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tips to stay warm

December 14, 2013
12 Tips to Stay Warm in the Sudden Winter Cold

So we dreaded the long summer and prayed for winter so we can make use of our shopping spree. And then our prayers were answered generously and we were blessed with a wave of cold weather, which is cute for cuddling up and all but the only problem is, our homes aren’t entirely winter friendly. So here are a few tips to keep you warm during the cold week — don’t hope for more blistering winter, please.

– Create a green house effect: Open your shutters and curtains during the morning to let the sunshine and heat in and trap it for a warmer night then close the shutters and curtains once it sets to keep drifts of wind out. If your windows aren’t tight, try jamming old cloths or even newspapers in to seal it.

– Close unused rooms: Bigger spaces mean colder houses.

– Toss your pajamas in the dryer: Five minutes in the dryer will make your pajamas all toasty and ready for a good night in.

Put a fluffy blanket underneath you when hitting the sack and a thinner one above you: This will help keep he heat inside and warm up the bed as you sleep.

– Stir away from synthetics: There’s a reason why wool is the fabric of choice in winter, you can also opt for silk or even cotton. Other fabrics do  not absorb moisture nor do they keep the heat in, do try to tay in wool blends and stir away from nylon, cellulose-based and polyester.

– Cover floors: Rugs or even old rags can be great for insulating your floors and keeping the spaces warmer, this is especially useful if you have marble or tile floors.

– Soak your feet: If your feet are nice and warm, so are you, so keep your feet in warm water for 10 minutes and then dry them well and cover them with loose, woolen socks.

– Shower: We know this is probably the last thing you want to do right now but do take a warm shower if you’re staying in and get dressed in the bathroom. Wear socks, undergarments and a warm pajama to keep the heat in.

– Bake: A warm over can do wonders to  keep your house warm and nothing says cozy like warm cookies and a hot milk glass. Try this recipe for a nice batch of traditional chocolate chip cookies.

– Cover your extremities: We tend to lose heat from our heads, toes and hands. Wear warm, loose socks (cold ones can cut off circulation and make you colder) and cover your head or at least ears.

– Position your seat well: Don’t stay too close to a wall and avoid sitting beneath windows.

– Move around: Sitting tight and warm may seem tempting, but if you actually work out for even 30 minutes it will improve your circulation and keep you warm after the exercise.

– Load up on hot drinks: Cinnamon tea is a great option to stimulate blood circulation and keep you warm.


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