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Ten Tips to Boost your Metabolism.

April 15, 2013 | Nadine El Sayed 4
Ten Tips to Boost your Metabolism

You can jog and jog, diet and suffer and starve yourself to the perfect weight, but if you don’t know how to make your body the most efficient fuel-burning machine it can be, you might be missing out on a whole lot of healthy weight-loss.

Your metabolism can get tricky, especially with age, and starving yourself may actually do more harm than good.

So learn about how to boost your metabolism and your weight plan might just get far easier: Here is how.

1. Build muscles: Muscles burn fat and it guarantees you that your body will keep burning calories even after you step out of the gym. Unlike cardio, pumping weights’ effect on metabolism lasts after you’re done exercising. Check out our “Pump It” article on many more reasons to get cracking on resistance training.



2. Keep the cardio for last: We all tend to start off with the cardio training, then move on to resistance training, which is good for warming the body up, but isn’t the most effective fat-burning method. Instead, start with a five-minutes speed walk, stretch, exercise and then finish it off with that jog. As we said earlier, getting your muscles pumping guarantees fat-burning. Also, while it will take you 20 minutes of running to start burning fat, keeping cardio for last means that when you step on the treadmill your body is already burning fat.

3. Do interval training: Interval training gets the heart pumping good. You can either set up interval training on your treadmill or take up a workout like Insanity. Interval training is about changing pace, you get your heart pumping then rest it, only to get it back up again. This is the most efficient fat-burning technique and it is easy to follow. Start up with a jog, sprint for a few minutes, take the speed down again for a minute and speed back up.

4. Exercise in the morning: Studies have shown that when you work out before breakfast you burn 30 percent more calories than you would any other time a day. You can have a tablespoon-full of honey or half a boiled potato for energy to keep you going.



5.  Eat the right foods: Almonds, lean protein, beans, cinnamon, broccoli, cabbage, apples, curry, hot pepper, grapefruits, spinach and oatmeal are known metabolism boosters.

Next 5


  1. nglaa

    I tried more than once, but I failed
    I have a 44-year-old and adulteries 80
    What do I do?

  2. Hi nglaa, in that case, we would always recommend seeing a nutritionist for a more customized nutrition and workout plan to better suit what your body needs. We will be sharing a guide of nutritionists very soon.

  3. Ramy Zakaria

    Hi there,

    I am 30 years old now and for as long as I remember I had high metabolism, it is genetic but here what I do different hope it can help you as well.

    1) I have very early breakfast and a good one (keeps me energetic for the following point) we are talking about 3 sandwiches 🙂 and sometimes salad max. by 7:30am never later than that, even before coffee or tea.

    2) Never miss an opportunity to move, missed the elevator? Use the stairs, not a big deal but by the end of the day it sums up to decent exercise without sweating or even noticing.

    3) Lunch …. By 12:30pm or 1pm I have lunch break so I bring with me Lock n’ Lock box with good lunch I bring from home, there is nothing easier than ordering fast food but it is hard to get rid of the extra weight later, so just plan your lunch the night before anything will do like leftovers or some boiled potatoes with any kind of protein and some veg.

    4) When I reach home by 6:30 7:00pm it is dinner time (very early but that’s what I do) I eat usually at home and that’s it till I sleep nothing more than may be salad or fruit max. by 11pm.

    May be not for everyone but it is working for me, and I love food and cooking.

    To rap it up:
    Breakfast and a good filling one.
    Healthy Lunch no junk here (home made).
    Dinner not later than 8:00pm
    and last but not least small walks here and there and elevator avoidance really works out.

    Enjoy you food and remember as long as you are healthy doesn’t matter how we look, don’t follow the media, those skinny models are not the benchmark for sexyness, they just need a good meal 🙂

  4. Dear Ramy,

    Thanks a million for those tips, you’re lucky with your metabolism! It’s very kind of you to share and we will definitely be trying some of those tips 🙂

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